Interelos Institute Interelos Institute


Interelos Rural Education Program

Education is the main vector of sustainable development of a territory

Education is the key to the recovery and sustainable use of the Amazon

The training of young technicians and leaders guarantees their permanence and the development of the territory.

Rural education needs funding, management support and public policy support.

Agricultural Family Schools and Rural Family Houses provide education and professional training connected to the sustainable development of biomes

74 thousand
+51 thousand

The challenges of Rural Education

  • Create curricula connected to local realities
  • Overcoming logistical difficulties of transport and formation of classes
  • Obtain funding for your activities

The Pedagogy of Alternation as a solution

  • Curricula are co-created with the community and meet local needs
  • Students spend part of their time at school
  • Schools are born from local mobilization and community leadership

The Interelos Rural Education Program is made up of three axes of action with the objective of to provide financial and management self-sustainability mechanisms for Brazilian Agricultural Families Schools and Rural Family Houses.

Axis 1

Financing of pedagogical activities
Creation of a financing mechanism through the FUTURE endowment fund: United Territories Fund for Education

Axis 2

Strengthening school management
Creation of a school management company and training of schools in administrative and financial management

Axis 3

Advocacy and public policy
Advocacy of public policies for Rural Education, based on a solid mapping of the challenges facing schools in the countryside, challenges faced, actors involved and existing public policies

The Interelos Program for Rural Education is funded by donations from foundations, private organizations and individuals. To find out how to donate, write to:

Machete download of the complete program, with objectives, projects and schedule.