Interelos Socioeconomics Program in Amapá
Açaí extractivism is one of the main sources of income for traditional communities in the Bailique Archipelago, a set of 8 islands in the mouth of the Amazon River, located 160 kilometers from Macapá, capital of the state of Amapá, as well as for communities in Beira Amazonas, territory adjacent to Bailique.
What are we doing
Based on assisted management, Interelos has collaborated with Amazonbai in administrative and financial management to strengthen the organization. It is part of our scope of work to help promote participatory assemblies, engaging members in the construction of the açaí processing agroindustry following the sustainable management practices guaranteed by the FSC ® (Forest Stewardship Council) certifications, the Vegan Product seal and the Amapá – Product of the Middle of the World.
Where do we want to go
- Implement Amazonbai's açaí agro-industry;
- Strengthen the cooperative and empower the leaders;
- Expand the commercialization of açaí pulp;
- Assist in the cooperative's compliance with field requirements to ensure the traceability of açaí;
- Promote the financial self-sufficiency of the Macacoari and Bailique Family Schools through the constitution of the Heritage Fund.
Who are we working with
- ACTB (Association of Traditional Communities of Bailique);
- AEFAM (Association of the Macacoari Agroecological Family School);
- AEFAB (Association of the Agroextractivist Family School of Bailique);
- Amazonbai members.
Family Schools
The Family School is a pedagogical experience that uses the alternation methodology, where students from the rural area spend a period in the school environment and another in the community, applying agricultural and agro-extractive techniques.
This educational model promotes the prevention of rural exodus, encouraging
the protagonism of community and social movements, community participation in pedagogical and operational management.
The Heritage Fund
The implementation of the Heritage Fund is a possibility of full funding and/or funding shared with the State initially for the financing of the Macacoari Agroecological Family School (EFAM) and Bailique Agroextractivist Family School (EFAB), which prevents frequent interruptions of resources, the operational and pedagogical discontinuity of schools.