Interelos Socioeconomics Program at RESEX Verde para Semper
Resex Verde Para Sempre occupies 82% of the territory of Porto de Moz, in Pará, and is made up of 37 communities of houses, many of them on stilts, where around 13,000 people live. Bordered by two of the most important rivers in northern Brazil, the Xingu and the Amazon, the reserve has several sources of livelihood, such as timber production, fruit and nut extraction, as well as buffalo, pigs and fish farming.
What are we doing
Strengthening the value chains of Resex Verde Para Sempre, through technical support to local actors in the productive, organizational, management and marketing processes, in order to guarantee the sustainable management of natural resources, the access of the traditional population to public policies, the empowerment of local communities and the advancement of land regularization in the Protected Area.
Where do we want to go
- Build business plans for value chains chosen and prioritized in a participatory manner with local actors, focusing on income generation and forest conservation;
- Assess organizational, financial, technological, marketing and logistics needs to access markets with greater value generation for two value chains prioritized in a collective and participatory manner with local actors;
- Evaluate the educational model and social asset present in the territory, in order to identify opportunities for improvement and integration with the prioritized value chains;
- Identify possible sources of funding to make investments viable.
Who are we working with
- Populations that, due to the insufficiency of public policies or the impossibility of social articulation, face difficulties to undertake and improve the condition of family life;
- Associations and Cooperatives;
- A group of low-income youth interested in collectively planning and implementing businesses;
- Social movements linked to socioeconomic inclusion.