
Local producers approve development plan for açaí chain in extractive reserve

Local producers approve development plan for açaí chain in extractive reserve

Consultation is part of a program that encourages sustainable economic activities at Resex Verde Para Semper.

In partnership with the Sustainable Development Committee (CDS), the Interelos Institute is implementing an innovative program in the Forever Green Extractive Reserve, located in the state of Pará. The objective is to promote sustainable economic activities and improve the quality of life of local communities. 

Based on a Business and Community Development Protocol (PNDC) that starts with the process of articulating and mobilizing producers and communities interested in participating in the development of the production chain, the next step of the program is the consultation process and free, prior and informed consent (CLPI), a right provided for in Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which guarantees that indigenous peoples and traditional communities have the right to self-affirm their identity and to self-determine their lives and their ways of deciding and organizing.

At this stage, the environmental manager of the Interelos Institute, Mariana Chaubet, led the workshop in the IRAPI community, within the Resex, in Porto de Moz, on the last 10th of June, with the presence of 59 producers from 8 communities. During the consultation, the methodology of the business and community development protocol and the work plan were presented to the participants, who gave their consent for the development of the açaí production chain, demonstrating the involvement and commitment of the interested parties.

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Consultation is fundamental in any community intervention program, as it is based on the premise that people have the right to choose whether or not they want to participate in a community action, as well as whether or not to authorize a given intervention in a territory.

Mariana Chaubet

If, on the one hand, the strengthening of the productive chains within the Resex Verde Para Semper is considered essential to boost the development of the communities that depend on the reserve, on the other hand, each stage of the process must be carefully planned, taking into account the dialogue and the reaching consensus among those involved. 

The Interelos Institute and the Sustainable Development Committee (CDS) remain committed to the success of this program, aiming to positively impact the lives of people who live in the Green Forever Extractive Reserve, reconciling economic development with environmental preservation and thus ensuring a balance that will benefit present and future communities. 

The journey towards sustainable development still has many challenges ahead, but it is guided by the hope of a more prosperous and harmonious future for all.

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